Application Process

The application process for our Digital Health Accelerator aims to be fair and transparent for all the innovators that apply.
What are we looking for?
Propel@YH is aimed at early-stage innovators who will benefit from our structured programme of support. We are interested in hearing from clinicians, NHS staff members, or people with an idea or Minimal Viable Product (MVP) that satisfies an unmet need in the NHS.
SMEs could have an innovation or service that addresses a problem, improves a clinical pathway, brings value to the NHS, or redesigns a current solution in a novel way.
Alternatively, innovators might be early-stage SMEs with a product already in the market and want to spread innovations to new customers and NHS organisations, demonstrating the evidence and evaluation of the solution and expanding their organisation with new staff members.
How does the application process work?
The first stage is applying through our online application platform. This will involve several questions covering your organisation and solution. We will review your answers and make an initial decision if Propel@YH is ideal for you. If you are not successful we will contact you and provide feedback on your application. This initial stage is completed by the Digital Navigator and a director within our organisation.
The successful candidates from the first stage will be invited to an online pitching call on either the 7th or 8th of September. This will be with a panel of members from the Propel@YH partners and sponsors who will have a set question for the candidate. The questions will be issued before the pitching call and you will have 2 minutes to pitch your solution and your involvement with the programme. No slides or presentations will be needed.
Based on your feedback and the pitching call, each panel member will give you a percentage score of suitability to be on the Propel@YH programme. After all the candidates have attended the pitching session, each panel member’s suitability score will be added and averaged with the top 10 candidates offered a slot on the accelerator programme.
The unsuccessful candidates will be contacted, given feedback and offered a level of support from Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber.